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D Scully (eire) 10:49 Thu Aug 6
Kyle Knoyle
One of the worst performances ever in a west ham shirt.


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The Ghost of Braderz 4:15 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Very harsh. What an idiot.

Private Dancer 2:14 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Didn't really notice him much either way, but the boy Cullen looks like he has potential, that's all it is at this point, but defo something to work with there.

collyrob 1:26 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
cracking username VODKA son

Vodka_Jay 12:53 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
I thought everyone who played last night except Miaga, put a good display in last night, even Nolan did ok. Considering the side we put out and age of most of the payers I was pretty proud of them last night

David L 12:26 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
If Maiga gets any game time on Sunday that will tell you more about Bilic than you need to know...

David L 12:25 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Yeah he did OK. How old is he, 20? You could see he was pretty nervous to begin with., an away European match in fucking Romania for your first start? Daunting stuff.

Fluke 12:21 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
For starters I thought Maiga was ridiculously bad last night, and would've been better off with another kid upfront as he couldn't hold the ball up, couldn't pass to a team mate, he couldn't stay onside, he pretty much couldn't do anything right, it was painful to watch him, he's out of his depth, I just can't understand how he scores in France.

Steve P 12:19 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Well harsh.

If you've ever played football, and stepped up a level, you would know the pace of the game is quicker than you are used to.

You might get away with it to start with, but to expect someone to keep it up for 90 minutes, in warmer conditions than usual, is a big ask.

I wouldn't say his performance last night was any worse than any of Carlton Cole or Nolan's efforts for the last 12 months.

Coffee 12:18 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
I remember people saying similar about Alvin Martin when he first played.

whufcroe 12:18 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
D Scully (eire) 10:49 Thu Aug 6

You clearly haven't seen much of West Ham then BUT congratulations for starting a thread slagging off an 18 year kid that gave his all. You must feel very proud.

Fluke 12:17 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
'One of the worst performances ever in a west ham shirt.'

Is that this week? Because I'm sure I've seen a lot worse

gph 12:15 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Wasn't so long ago that that people were saying the same sort of thing about Winston Reid...

appyhammer78 11:25 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
I thought he looked decent and was let down by his crossing but you can see he looks like he has something

Grumpster 11:22 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
He's only a youngster, though I shouldn't be surprised by the abuse he's receiving, as it's the norm nowadays from the fans.

Needs to work on his crosses and let's not forget, that he was in a unit that had never played together before.

RM1WHU 11:17 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Let's be fair he's a kid and it was a big game.

But I make ya right. He didn't perform up to the levels that the other kids do. Had 4 or 5 opportunities to stick a decent ball in the box and didn't.

But you can't knock any of em. Learning curve.

Deano54 11:15 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Fuck me there is some cunts on here !

dealcanvey 11:14 Fri Aug 7
He did'nt have a bad game and to be fair to the lad he got forward and tried. Maiga looked lazy as usual and was offside time and time again.

Thought Lee showed some nice touches and Henry was good also. Poyet was the standout for me. Hope he is not overlooked again this season.

Hugh Monteith 1:32 Fri Aug 7
I havent viewed the match yet.

But I have seen Kyle play lots of times,and I have always been impressed with him.
In fact I have often said that he is for his age as good and often better than some of the homegrown full backs we have produced.
If he was poor on this occassion, he will recover and become a class act.

ironsofcanada 1:27 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Feel bad for him.

But two or three players like him off and we win this.

Adrian, Sakho or even Samuelsen, and Burke.

Bernie 1:19 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
This thread will do the kids confidence the world of good if he ever sees it.

connolly8 1:10 Fri Aug 7
Re: Kyle Knoyle
Maiga is a cunt. Anyone on this site would put a better shift in than him purley because they would be willing to run there hearts out for the cause.

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